The Pattern Pack: Chapter One
The Pattern Pack
Chapter One: The Pack
Lakina's Pack was a particular pack. The wolfs' had special markings starting from the top of the nose to the edge of their forheads. Of course they weren't born like that, the 'special' markings were earned (And yes I did say 'earned') when you did something good for the clan or simply because you did something to prove yourself a true wolf (what ever that was about). Now there were ranks in Lakina's pack which started with the Alfa, then came the Beta, then the Healer, after that came the Generals' and it was always strictly a male and a female and often they were mates. and often the Alfa and the Beta were mates as well for they were partners. Lakina's mother had been the Beta before she had passed away and her father the Alfa shrouded in sadness. and over the years his generals' advised him to apoint a new Beta but her father refused and one time he even said: If there is to be a new Beta then I shall apoint my daughter to be it. His generals' didn't seem to happy about that. But back to the point! Let's see... Ah! then came the Warriors and then after that nothing! The Queens and the Elders didn't have a specific rank so that was all of the pack in total now let us talk about the patterns. Yes the 'patterns' that were different for every wolf. (For no wolf can do the same thing for every wolf is different in every way so they must get different patterns. Or thats what Lakina's father the Alfa had said and so far he seemed to be right.)
And that is all for now dear readers, see you next time for another one of my stories!-The storyteller.
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